Routing # 321076470

What to Do If Your Loan Application Was Declined

October 12, 2023 4 mins

You finally decided to go for it. 无论你是在买一件大件商品, getting a new car, or buying a house, you probably need to apply for a loan. 但是如果你的贷款申请被拒绝了怎么办? 虽然这可能意味着你的计划被搁置了,至少是暂时的,但这不是恐慌的理由.

金融机构一直拒绝贷款申请. 好消息是,他们必须告诉你为什么你被拒绝了. 如果你的信用申请被拒绝,你该怎么做, such as for a personal loan, a car loan, a mortgage, 房屋净值信贷额度(HELOC)或其他贷款或信贷额度.

1. Find out why you were declined

在你做任何事情之前,弄清楚你的贷款申请被拒绝的原因. 贷款人需要在信贷被拒后的30到90天内发送一份不利行动通知——披露你没有得到批准的原因.


  • an incomplete application
  • 申请信息不正确
  • insufficient income
  • unverifiable employment
  • limited or no credit
  • a low credit score
  • delinquent accounts
  • foreclosures or repossessions
  • a frozen credit report
  • bankruptcy

如果你因为信用报告上的问题而被拒绝, 不利行动通知将告知您问题所在,并提供报告信用局的名称.

2. Check your credit report

你有资格获得一份免费的 credit report if your application was denied. (事实上,在美国,任何人都可以要求每周免费的信用报告.)回顾一下它很重要:在最近的一项消费者报告研究中, 34%的受访消费者发现他们的信用报告中至少有一个错误1.

Common issues include:

  • someone else’s account information
  • 按时付款被标记为迟到
  • closed accounts reported as active
  • discharged account information
  • signs of identity theft, such as unfamiliar accounts, purchases you didn’t make, 还有你没有提交的贷款申请


3. Fix your credit score

如果你的信用报告是准确的,那么你需要 improve your credit score. 这样做的一种方法是追上你可能有的任何逾期付款,并继续按时付款——逾期付款可能会在你的信用档案中留下长达七年的时间.

还有一些产品可以通过增加你的分数来帮助你重建你的信用. Check out our ScoreUp Loan and our secured credit card, or talk to us 了解更多其他重建信用的方法.

4. Pay down your debt

如果你的信用余额比你的收入高,你应该开始了 尽快还清你的债务. 如果你现在的收入还不够, save on gas, groceries, and utilities; make money at home; or look for ways to tighten your budget.

Applying for a lot of credit cards, personal loans, car loans, home loans, 短时间内的商业贷款会损害你的信用评分和, even worse, 让它看起来像你有经济困难.”

5. Lower your credit card balances

刷爆的信用卡对你没有任何帮助. 让你所有的余额低于每张卡限额的30%,给你的分数一些TLC.

Need some help paying down that debt? Here are some ways to pay off your credit cards.

6. Cut back on your applications

Applying for a lot of credit cards, personal loans, car loans, home loans, 短时间内的商业贷款会损害你的信用评分和, even worse, 让它看起来像你有经济困难. 坚持你需要的申请,几个月后再申请贷款.

7. Build a credit history

如果你以前没有借过钱,你可能需要借了 build your credit. 建立信用的一种方法是成为你配偶或父母信用卡的授权用户. 他们需要有良好的信用和良好的付款记录, 如果他们拥有这个账户很长时间,那就更好了.

You can also try a secured credit card,你可以凭可退还的保证金借款. 按时还款,你的信用评分就会逐月上升.

8. Apply with a cosigner

如果你正在建立良好的信用记录或处理一些财务挫折, 共同签署人或共同借款人可能是获得贷款批准的关键. Even better, if your cosigner has good credit, you might lock in a better rate, a bigger loan amount, or both.

9. Apply for less

如果你申请较小的贷款金额,你被批准的机会可能会提高. 虽然这可能意味着你要缩减购买大件物品的计划, 你可以更快地偿还小额贷款. (Some lenders, including Patelco, 会自动提供一个较低的金额,你可能符合条件, on certain loan applications.)

10. Talk to the experts

确保你已经探索了所有的选择,并根据你的情况得到个性化的建议 Certified Financial Specialists. 安排一次免费的财务检查,了解如何更快地实现目标.

11. Take a Banzai course

As a Patelco member, 你可以免费使用万岁, 哪些能给你提供处理现实世界情况所需的金融知识.
如果你因为你的信用记录或未偿债务而被拒绝贷款, 这里有一些你可能会特别感兴趣的课程:

1 Consumer Reports, 在一项消费者报告研究中,超过三分之一的志愿者发现他们的信用报告中有错误,” published June 10, 2021


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